Leadership ~ Transparency ~ Respect

 I've really fallen in love with White Rock.  It is a beautiful seaside city, with friendly people, and a ton to offer.  But … we also have many challenges that must be addressed so that as we move forward, we do so in a sustainable and sensitive manner.  I have listened to the issues, and have spoken to many long-time residents over my time here, as well as being impacted myself. If elected to City Council I will support the below type of initiatives, but always welcome hearing from you, on what you want to see move forward.

Communication, Relationships, Respect

  • Bring back Question Period at City Hall
  • End private meetings/ In Camera meetings
  • Create an online tracker to update you on my progress on Council
  • Support the creation of policy that protects open and transparent communication with the citizens we serve
  • Continue building a relationship with Semiahmoo First Nations

Transparency, Fiscal Accountability

  • Public Funds, Public Accountability – ensure we communicate how funds are spent as we are utilizing taxpayer money and must be transparent to build and maintain the trust of the voting public
  • Review the OCP, and then work within it
  • Decision making relating to Developer community amenity contributions and density bonusing provisions must be within the OCP

Sustainable and Sensitive Development

  • there have been 15 high rises approved - we need to step back, and assess the infrastructure, green space, and community needs, before we move forward with additional approvals - we need a balanced approach to development
  • density is required to increase our tax base, but we must do it sensibly, and within the OCP
  • follow the OCP
  • approve high rises above Thrift only, as per the OCP


  • Support free parking along the Waterfront from November to March
  • Parking validation program w/ businesses
  • Examine micro parking in unused areas of the city
  • Support free 3-hour parking at White Rock Community Centre, above ground
  • Support rental suites in finding parking solutions for their renters, so that residents are able to find parking
  • Create employee parking policies so that businesses are not losing employees because they can’t find parking, or can’t afford to pay for parking
  • During construction, consider the needs of patrons and employees, as well as business owners in regard to parking challenges
  • Support City utilization/promotion of technology and apps like iSpotSwap which lets you know when a parking spot you want becomes available, to address our parking challenges, and find innovative ways to solve same

Business Community

  • Work with businesses to increase patron traffic by reviewing bylaws regarding employee parking options, closed patio options particularly for Waterfront restaurants
  • Support creation of a bylaw that specifies how long a business can remain vacant prior to being utilized for another venture – 1 year unless a permit or issue out of control of the owner
  • Beautify building fronts on Waterfront
  • Support Pop Up businesses and events as an economic catalyst in the community, and ensure this is advertised on our website and White Rock Tourism as an attraction
  • Update the Economic Development Strategic Plan (2009) to ensure we are supporting our business community in the most relevant ways possible
  • Work with the business community to address parking as per above and to come up with creative ways to increase patron traffic, eg: merchants able to create temporary parking promotions and pair it with special sales events (increased visitor traffic allows the business to generate higher revenues while allowing the city to increase parking revenues)


  • Relocation of BNSF: continue to work with our provincial, federal, and corporate partners to relocate BNSF rail line to Hwy 99 (dangerous cargo will cause a crisis if a spill occurs)
  • Revitalization of White Rock Passenger Train Stop:  support the revitalization of the passenger train and stop in White Rock, via a partnership with Semiahmoo First Nations, and use of vacant restaurant on East Beach, across from the White Rock Hotel (parking lot next to WAG Restaurant could be utilized as it already exists)
  • If passenger train is not a viable option, then the area would become a park, once the BNSF rail line was moved.


  • Continue to Investigate the feasibility of a People Mover from 5 corners to the Waterfront, using the Johnson Road route (eg: Paris Montmartre Funicular)
  • Continue to support the creation, maintenance, protection of walking paths, our staircase paths to the beach
  • Support smooth sidewalks, removal of tripping hazards, so that walkers, joggers, and those using scooters or with mobility issues do not trip 


  • Support Urban Forest Management Strategy to ensure green spaces are protected and increased where available, and that tree canopy is promoted
  • Support creation of policy and bylaw that would see a tree replaced should it be removed
  • Support creation of Adopt a Tree Program and Email a Tree program to assist in educating and involving citizens and visitors
  • Support creation of a Fit Path on one of our staircase pathways to the Waterfront (an excellent way to interact on the path, no gym membership required)
  • Continue to support the investigation into our water safety and determine the viability of joining GVRD water system


  • Support policy creation that will address foreign-owned homes/empty residences as vacancy rate is 0.5 % in White Rock and there is a lack of affordable housing
  • Partner with BC Housing and other stakeholders
  • Ensure we plan for long-term care homes and options for our elderly
  • Support bylaws to address housing size (huge house on the tiny lot for example)
  • Support bylaws to address Air BnBs in our community – resident must be on premise, no vacant homes for example

Safe Communities

  • Support creation of a community emergency hub
  • Support creation of an Emergency Response Plan for our community should we have a train derailment
  • Increase lighting in our parks, pathways, staircases
  • Support continued positive relationships with RCMP, Fire
  • Support Train Safety education program in our elementary school